Ali Baba, mentre raccoglie la legna nella foresta accompagnato dal suo asino, sorprende una banda di ladri che trasportano il loro bottino. Si nasconde dietro un albero e impara la formula magica che dà accesso alla grotta dove nascondono i loro tesori. Una volta che i ladri se ne sono andati, entra nella grotta, prende dei sacchi di monete d’oro e corre a riferire la notizia a sua moglie.
The outstanding Flicker Alley 5-disc set Georges Méliès: First Wizard of Cinema (1896-1913) is now published, and I have my copy. Naturally, it’s a sensational package. Put together by Eric Lange (Lobster Films) and David Shepard (Blackhawk Films) from the archival holdings from seventeen collections across eight countries, the elegantly-presented DVDs comprises 173 titles (including one unidentified fragment) – almost (though not quite) every extant Georges Méliès film, plus the Georges Franju 1953 film, Le Grand Méliès. The DVDs are region 0, NTSC format. The set comes with a well-illustrated booklet, which has essays by Norman McLaren (something of a surprise – it’s a transcript of an audio recording he made for a conference he couldn’t attend) and a long piece by John Frazer on Méliès’ life and work, adapted by Shepard from a text first written by Frazer in 1979. The full list of titles is now available on the Flicker Alley site, but here’s The Bioscope’s version, with the titles in the chronological order in which they appear on the DVDs, with Star-Film catalogue number, original French title and English title. 1896 1 – Partie de cartes, une/Playing Cards 26 – Nuit terrible, une/Terrible Night, a 70 – Escamotage d’une dame chez Robert-Houdin/Vanishing Lady, the 82 – Cauchemar, le/Nightmare, A 1897 96 – Château hanté, le/Haunted Castle, The 106 – Prise de Tournavos, la/Surrender of Tournavos, The 112 – Entre Calais et Douvres/Between Calais and Dover 122-123 – Auberge ensorcelée, l’/Bewitched Inn, the 128 – Après le bal (le tub)/After the Ball 1898 147 – Visite sous-marine du Maine/Divers at Work on the Wreck of the “Maine” 151 – Panorama pris d’un train en marche/Panorama from Top of a Moving Train 153 – Magicien, le/Magician, The 155 – Illusions fantasmagoriques/Famous Box Trick, The 159 – Guillaume Tell et le clown/Adventures of William Tell, The 160-162 – Lune à un mètre, la/Astronomer’s Dream, The 167 – Homme de têtes, un/Four Troublesome Heads, The 169 – Tentation de Saint Antoine/Temptation of St Anthony, the Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme à Rennes 1899 183 – Impressionniste fin de siècle, l’/Conjurer, The 185-187 – Diable au couvent, le/Devil in a Convent, The 188 – Danse du feu/Pillar of Fire, The 196 – Portrait mystérieux, le/Mysterious Portrait, The 206 – Affaire Dreyfus, la dictée du bordereau/Dreyfus Court Martial – Arrest of Dreyfus 207 – Ile du diable, l’/Dreyfus: Devil’s Island – Within the Palisade 208 – Mise aux fers de Dreyfus/Dreyfus Put in Irons 209 – Suicide du Colonel Henry/Dreyfus: Suicide of Colonel Henry 210 – Débarquement à Quiberon/Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon 211 – Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme à Rennes/Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes 212 – Attentat contre Me Labori/Dreyfus: The Attempt Against the Life of Maître Labori 213 – Bagarre entre journalistes/Dreyfus: The Fight of Reporters 214-215 – Conseil de guerre en séance à Rennes, le/Dreyfus: The Court Martial at Rennes 219-224 – Cendrillon/Cinderella 226-227 – Chevalier mystère, le/Mysterious Knight, The 234 – Tom Whisky ou l’illusionniste truqué/Addition and Subtraction L’Homme-orchestre 1900 243 – Vengeance du gâte-sauce, la/Cook’s Revenge, The 244 – Infortunes d’un explorateur, les/Misfortunes of an Explorer, The 262-263 – Homme-orchestre, l’/One-Man Band, The 264-275 – Jeanne d’Arc/Joan of Arc 281-282 – Rêve du Radjah ou la forêt enchantée, le/Rajah’s Dream, The 285-286 – Sorcier, le prince et le bon génie, le/Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy, The 289-291 – Livre magique/Magic Book, The 293 – Spiristisme abracadabrant/Up-to-date Spiritualism 294 – Illusioniste double et la tête vivante, l’/Triple Conjurer and the Living Head, The 298-305 – Rêve de Noël/Christmas Dream, The 309-310 – Nouvelles luttes extravagantes/Fat and Lean Wrestling Match 311 – Repas fantastique, le/Fantastical Meal, A 312-313 – Déshabillage impossible, le/Going to Bed under Difficulties 314 – Tonneau des Danaïdes, le/Eight Girls in a Barrel 317 – Savant et le chimpanzé, le/Doctor and the Monkey, The 322 – Réveil d’un homme pressé, le/How He Missed His Train L’Homme à la tête en caoutchouc 1901 325-326 – Maison tranquille, la/What is Home Without the Boarder? 332-333 – Chrysalide et le papillon, la/Brahmin and the Butterfly, The 335-336 – Dislocation mystérieuse/Extraordinary Illusions 345-347 – Antre des esprits, le/Magician’s Cavern, The 350-351 – Chez la sorcière/Bachelor’s Paradise, The 357-358 – Excelsior!/Excelsior! – Prince of Magicians 361-370 – Barbe-Bleue/Blue Beard 371-372 – Chapeau à surprises, le/Hat With Many Surprises, The 382-383 – Homme à la tête en caoutchouc, l’/Man With the Rubber Head, The 384-385 – Diable géant ou le miracle de la madone, le/Devil and the Statue, The 386 – Nain et géant/Dwarf and the Giant, The Voyage dans la lune 1902 391 – Douche du colonel/Colonel’s Shower Bath, The 394-396 – La danseuse microscopique, la/Dancing Midget, The 399-411 – Voyage dans la lune/Trip to the Moon, A 412 – Clownesse fantôme, la/Shadow-Girl, The 413-414 – Trésors de Satan, les/Treasures of Satan, The 415-416 – Homme-mouche, l’/Human Fly, The 419 – Équilibre impossible, l’/Impossible Balancing Feat, An 426-429 – Voyage de Gulliver à Lilliput et chez les géants, le/Gulliver’s Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants No number – Sacre d’Edouard VII, le/Coronation of Edward VII, The 445-448 – Guirlande merveilleuse, la/Marvellous Wreath, The 1903 451-452 – Malheur n’arrive jamais seul, un/Misfortune Never Comes Alone 453-457 – Cake-walk infernal, le/Infernal Cake-Walk, The 458-459 – Boîte à malice, la/Mysterious Box, The 462-464 – Puits fantastique, le/Enchanted Well, The 465-469 – Auberge du bon repos, l’/Inn Where No Man Rests, The 470-471 – Statue animée, la/Drawing Lesson, The 473-475 – Sorcier, le/Witch’s Revenge, The 476 – Oracle de Delphes, l’/Oracle of Delphi, The 447-478 – Portrait spirite, le/Spiritualistic Photographer 479-480 – Mélomane, le/Melomaniac, The 481-482 – Monstre, le/Monster, The 483-498 – Royaume des fées, le/Kingdom of the Fairies, The 499-500 – Chaudron infernal, le/Infernal Cauldron, The 501-502 – Revenant, le/Apparitions 503-505 – Tonnerre de Jupiter, le/Jupiter’s Thunderbolts 506-507 – Parapluie fantastique, le/Ten Ladies in an Umbrella 508-509 – Tom Tight et Dum Dum/Jack Jaggs and Dum Dum 510-511 – Bob Kick, l’enfant terrible/Bob Kick the Mischievous Kid 512-513 – Illusions funambulesques/Extraordinary Illusions 514-516 – Enchanteur Alcofribas, l’/Alcofribas, the Master Magician 517-519 – Jack et Jim/Comical Conjuring 520-524 – Lanterne magique, la/Magic Lantern, The 525-526 – Rêve du maître de ballet, le/Ballet Master’s Dream, The 527-533 – Faust aux enfers/Damnation of Faust, The 534-535 – Bourreau turc, le/Terrible Turkish Executioner, The 538-539 – Au clair de la lune ou Pierrot malheureux/Moonlight Serenade, A 540-541 – Prêté pour un rendu, un/Tit for Tat Voyage à travers l’impossible 1904 547-549 – Coffre enchanté, le/Bewitched Trunk, The 552-553 – Roi du maquillage, le/Untamable Whiskers 554-555 – Rêve de l’horloger, le/Clockmaker’s Revenge, The 556-557 – Transmutations imperceptibles, les/Imperceptible Transmutations, The 558-559 – Miracle sous l’Inquisition, un/Miracle Under the Inquisition, A 562-574 – Damnation du Docteur Faust/Faust and Marguerite 578-580 – Thaumaturge chinois, le/Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer 581-584 – Merveilleux éventail vivant, le/Wonderful Living Fan, The 585-588 – Sorcellerie culinaire/Cook in Trouble, The 589-590 – Planche du diable, la/Devilish Prank, The 593-595 – Sirène, la/Mermaid, The 641-659 – Voyage à travers l’impossible/Impossible Voyage, The 665-667 – Cascade de feu, la/Firefall, The 678-679 – Cartes vivantes, les/Living Playing Cards, The 1905 683-685 – Diable noir, le/Black Imp, The 686-689 – Phénix ou le coffret de cristal, le/Magic Dice, The 690-692 – Menuet lilliputien, le/Lilliputian Minuet, The 705-726 – Palais des mille et une nuits, le/Palace of the Arabian Nights, The 727-731 – Compositeur toqué, le/Crazy Composer, A 738-739 – Chaise à porteurs enchantée, la/Enchanted Sedan Chair, The 740-749 – Raid Paris – Monte-Carlo en deux heures, le/Adventurous Automobile Trip, An 756-775 – Légende de Rip Van Vinckle, la/Rip’s Dream 784-785 – Tripot clandestin, le/Scheming Gamblers’ Paradise, The 789-790 – Chute de cinq étages, une/Mix-up in the Gallery, A 791-806 – Jack le ramoneur/Chimney Sweep, The 807-809 – Maestro Do-Mi-Sol-Do, le/Luny Musician, The 1906 818-820 – Cardeuse de matelas, la/Tramp and the Mattress Makers, The 821-823 – Affiches en goguette, les/Hilarious Posters, The 824-837 – Incendiaires, les/Desperate Crime, A 838-839 – “Anarchie chez Guignol, l’”/Punch and Judy 843-845 – Hôtel des voyageurs de commerce ou les suites d’une bonne cuite, l’/Roadside Inn, A 846-848 – Bulles de savon animées, les/Soap Bubbles 849-870 – Quatre cents farces du diable, les/Merry Frolics of Satan, The 874-876 – Alchimiste Parafaragaramus ou la cornue infernale, l’/Mysterious Retort, The 877-887 – Fée Carabosse ou le poignard fatal, la/Witch, The L’Tunnel sous la Manche ou le cauchemar anglo-français 1907 909-911 – Douche d’eau bouillante, la/Rogues’ Tricks 925-928 – Fromages automobiles, les/Skipping Cheeses, The 936-950 – Tunnel sous la Manche ou le cauchemar anglo-français, le/Tunnelling the English Channel 961-968 – Eclipse de soleil en pleine lune/Eclipse, or the Courtship of the Sun and Moon, The 1000-1004 – Pauvre John ou les aventures d’un buveur de whisky/Sightseeing through Whisky 1005-1009 – Colle universelle, la/Good Glue Sticks 1014-1017 – Ali Barbouyou et Ali Bouf à l’huile/Delirium in a Studio 1030-1034 – Tambourin fantastique, le/Knight of Black Art, The 1035-1039 – Cuisine de l’ogre, la/In the Bogie Man’s Cave 1044-1049 – Il y a un dieu pour les ivrognes/Good Luck of a Souse, The 1066-1068 – Torches humaines/Justinian’s Human Toches 548 A.D. 1908 1069-1072 – Génie du feu, le/Genii of the Fire, The 1073-1080 – Why that actor was late 1081-1085 – Rêve d’un fumeur d’opium, le/Dream of an Opium Fiend, The 1091-1095 – Photographie électrique à distance, la/Long Distance Wireless Photography 1096-1101 – Prophétesse de Thèbes, la/Prophetess of Thebes, The 1102-1103 – Salon de coiffure/In the Barber Shop 1132-1145 – Nouveau seigneur du village, le/New Lord of the Village, The 1146-1158 – Avare, l’/Miser, The 1159-1165 – Conseil du Pipelet ou un tour à la foire, le/Side Show Wrestlers 1176-1185 – Lully ou le violon brisé/Broken Violin, The 1227-1232 – The Woes of Roller Skates 1246-1249 – Amour et mélasse/His First Job 1250-1252 – Mésaventures d’un photographe, les/The Mischances of a Photographer 1253-1257 – Fakir de Singapour, le/Indian Sorcerer, An 1266-1268 – Tricky painter’s fate, a 1288-1293 – French interpreter policeman/French Cops Learning English 1301-1309 – Anaïc ou le balafré/Not Guilty 1310-1313 – Pour l’étoile S.V.P./Buncoed Stage Johnnie 1314-1325 – Conte de la grand-mère et rêve de l’enfant/Grandmother’s Story, A 1416-1428 – Hallucinations pharmaceutiques ou le truc du potard/Pharmaceutical Hallucinations 1429-1441 – Bonne bergère et la mauvaise princesse, la/Good Shepherdess and the Evil Princess No number – unidentified film 1909 1495-1501 – Locataire diabolique, le/Diabolic Tenant, The 1508-1512 – Illusions fantaisistes, les/Whimsical Illusions 1911 1536-1547 – Hallucinations du Baron de Münchausen, les /Baron Munchausen’s Dream 1912 Pathé – A la conquète du pôle/Conquest of the Pole, The Pathé – Cendrillon ou la pantoufle merveilleuse/Cinderella Pathé – Chevalier des neiges, le/Knight of the Snow, The 1913 Pathé – Voyage de la famille Bourrichon, le/Voyage of the Bourichon Family, The Almost needless to say, the quality of the digital transfers is excellent, sometimes startlingly so. There are fifteen examples of beautiful hand-colouring. Many musicians have provided scores, making the DVD a fascinating demonstration in itself of different approaches to the task of accompanying Georges Méliès (even if, for myself I find the American taste for organ accompaniment baffling). They are Eric Beheim, Brian Benison, Frederick Hodges, Robert Israel, Neal Kurz, the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra, Alexander Rannie, Joseph Rinaudo, Rodney Sauer and Donald Sosin. Some of the films come with Georges Méliès’ original English narrations, designed to be spoken alongside the films, and here are spoken by Serge Bromberg and Fabrice Zagury (with some rather quaint mangling of the English language in places). Georges Méliès is confirmed here as among the pre-eminent artists of the cinema, perhaps the most exuberant of all filmmakers. The films display imagination, wit, ingenuity, grace, style, fun, invention, mischief, intelligence, anarchy, innocence, vision, satire, panache, beauty and longing, the poetry of the absurd. Starting out as extensions of the tricks that made up Méliès’ magic shows, to view them in chronological order as they are here is to see the cinema itself bursting out of its stage origins into a theatre of the mind, where anything becomes possible – a true voyage à travers l’impossible, to take the title of one of his best-known films. The best of them have not really dated at all, in that they have become timeless, and presumably (hopefully) always will be so. Méliès in his lifetime suffered the agony of seeing his style of filmming turn archaic as narrative style in the Griffith manner became dominant, but we can see now that is his work that has truly lasted. The films will always stand out as showing how motion pictures, when they first did appeared, in a profound sense captured the imagination. And there is that consistency of vision that confirms Méliès as a true artist with a body of work that belongs in a gallery – or in this case a boxed set of DVDs – for everyone to appreciate. What a great publication this is. Every good home should have one.
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